OSD Template Studio

What is OSD Template Studio you asked?
Well, OSD Template Studio is just that, a place for you to get brand new templates every month that you’re subscribed. You’ll receive a minimum of 4 template designs each month. Each month I will choose 1 of the 4 designs to paint inside the template studio. 
Being a member of my template studio also gets you perks with Home Creations Milling & Signage. That’s right, I have partnered with Home Creations. With home creations you’ll get 30% off group designs, 15% off all my public designs & 15% off non group & non member designs. 

How much is OSD Template Studio? 
Template Studio is only $15.00 per month. Yes, that’s it!
Although I would hate to see you go, I understand that things happen & you may need to cancel. No problem, cancel anytime! You can always rejoin at a later date if you choose so. 

What do you need to do to join in on the fun?
First you’ll need to sign up here👇🏼 https://www.paypal.com/webapps/billing/plans/subscribe?plan_id=P-0HT66426M8710904MMIJHVQY 

After you’ve signed up here ☝🏼 Then you’ll need to request to join the Facebook group here👇🏼

Home Creations Milling & Signage 
OSD Template Studio Blanks 